Diego Sebastiani
Email diego.sebastiani@geeg.it

CEO et Membre fondateur
Ingénieur civil, docteur en Structures et géotechnique, chercheur au même département de l’Université de Rome « La Sapienza ». Rédacteur de la revue « Gallerie e Grandi opere sotterranee », membre de la Société italienne des galeries, conférencier du Master II en Conception géotechnique, responsable technique de plusieurs projets de recherche expérimentale près l’Université Sapienza, conférencier lors de conférences nationales et internationales, auteur de plus de 15 publications et co-directeur de plus de 20 thèses.
Geopolymer materials for low-pressure injections in coarse grained soil: multiscale approach to the study of the mechanical behaviour and environmental impact M Bocci, C Cerocchi, D Sebastiani, A Di Giulio, Q Napoleoni, L Di Palma, …Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 1-131 2022 Geotechnical characterization of natural clays for the prediction of clogging risk for TBM D Sebastiani, G Spagnoli, M Amici, S Mangifesta2022 Monitoring during construction S Miliziano, G Russo, A de Lillis, D SebastianiHandbook on Tunnels and Underground Works, 317-3322022 Performance evaluation and monitoring of the tunnel excavation with a Mobile Tunnel Borer A Di Giulio, D Sebastiani, M Cinelli, R Ginanneschi, G Zanetto, A Antonelli, …IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 833 (1), 0121982021 Analysis of the behavior of the two-component grout around a tunnel segmental lining on the basis of experimental results and analytical approaches P Oreste, D Sebastiani, G Spagnoli, A de LillisTransportation Geotechnics 29, 1005709 2021 Preliminary evidences on the influence of grains micro-structural features on the TBM tools wear D Sebastiani, S Miliziano, G Guida, F CasiniGeotechnical Aspects of Underground Construction in Soft Ground, 401-4072 2021 Front-face pressure drop during the standstill phase for EPB mechanized tunnelling in coarse-grained soils D Sebastiani, S Miliziano, A BezuijenGeotechnical Aspects of Underground Construction in Soft Ground, 408-4142 2021 Experimental Analysis of Hydraulic Characteristics of Coarse-grained Soil Treated with Natural-based Nanomaterials M Cinelli, D Sebastiani, Q NapoleoniChemical Engineering Transactions 84, 49-542021 The Effect of Nanomaterials Injection on the Mechanical Characteristics of Coarse-grained Soils S Mangifesta, D Sebastiani, Q NapoleoniChemical Engineering Transactions 84, 43-482021 Calibration of an Advanced Constitutive Model Through Direct Shear Test Results GM Rotisciani, E Natu, A de Lillis, D Sebastiani, S MilizianoInternational Conference of the International Association for Computer …2021 The management of the soil conditioning process for the excavation of the Rome Metro C line M Pirone, F Carriero, R Sorge, D Sebastiani, S Miliziano, V FotiTunnels and Underground Cities: Engineering and Innovation meet Archaeology …1 2020 A rapid experimental procedure to assess environmental compatibility of conditioning mixtures used in TBM-EPB technology I Bavasso, G Vilardi, D Sebastiani, A Di Giulio, M Di Felice, A Di Biase, …Applied Sciences 10 (12), 41382 2020 A preliminary study of the parameters influencing the perfomance of two-component backfill grout A Di Giulio, I Bavasso, M Di Felice, D SebastianiGallerie e Grandi Opere Sotterranee. 133, 11-172 2020 Grain morphology and strength dilatancy of sands G Guida, D Sebastiani, F Casini, S MilizianoGéotechnique Letters 9 (4), 245-25312 2019 Classification of foam and foaming products for EPB mechanized tunnelling based on half-life time D Sebastiani, G Vilardi, I Bavasso, L Di Palma, S MilizianoTunnelling and Underground Space Technology 92, 10304417 2019 Artificial Intelligence to Predict Maximum Surface Settlements Induced by Mechanized Tunnelling M Ramezanshirazi, D Sebastiani, S MilizianoNational Conference of the Researchers of Geotechnical Engineering, 490-4993 2019 Effects of thickeners polymers used in tunnelling on the physical and mechanical properties of fine-grained soils D Sebastiani, A Lillis, AD Giulio, S MilizianoNational Conference of the Researchers of Geotechnical Engineering, 678-6851 2019 Influence of bacteria inoculum and organic concentration on the biodegradation of soil conditioning agents in aqueous solutions G Vilardi, I Bavasso, D Sebastiani, S Miliziano, L Di Palma, M Pirone, …Tunnels and Underground Cities: Engineering and Innovation meet Archaeology …1 2019 Chemical interaction between fine-grained soil and foaming agents in tunnelling with TBM-EPB D Sebastiani, S Miliziano, G Vilardi, I Bavasso, L Di Palma, A Di Giulio17th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering …1 2019 Studies on the environmental compatibility of conditioning agents for the reuse of the soil produced by the mechanized excavation of tunnels M Pirone, G Vilardi, I Bavasso, D Sebastiani, A Di Giulio, L Di Palma, …GALLERIE E GRANDI OPERE SOTTERRANEE, 19-282018 Heterogeneous nZVI-induced Fenton oxidation process to enhance biodegradability of excavation by-products G Vilardi, D Sebastiani, S Miliziano, N Verdone, L Di PalmaChemical Engineering Journal 335, 309-32074 2018 Effect of Chemicals in Clogging Risk Reduction for TBM-EPB Application A Di Giulio, D Sebastiani, S MilizianoProceedings of the World Tunnel Congress 2018-The Role of Underground Space …